Disclosure: I am a BzzAgent and received these products from BzzAgent.com for review at no cost to me. I receive no monetary compensation for my open and unbiased review.

I know I haven't been blogging in a while but I still want to share some products that I have received for free from Ganeral Mills and BzzAgent. I love being a BzzAgent and, really, the only reason I haven't been blogging is because I have no where to set a photo 'studio' to take good pictures. A picture is worth a thousand words, right?
I received two boxes of the new Fiber One Protein cereals. One of each flavor: Cranberry Almond and Maple Brown Sugar. One of my New Year resolutions was to eat healthier and lose some weight so this arrived at a very convenient time. Breakfast sets the stage for the rest of the day for me. If I eat a crappy meal, or nothing at all, for breakfast my whole day is shot eating wise.
My breakfast usually consists of a no sugar added or low sugar cereal like Cheerios or Raisin Bran, a piece of fruit (usually a banana), a boiled egg and sometimes some OJ. Occasionally I'll change it up by having a microwavable breakfast sandwich or an egg scramble but honestly I don't really have time for that because I hit the snooze button one to many times. Every. Morning. *sigh*
These new cereals from Fiber One really had me excited because with all that protein I figured I could ditch the boiled egg for once. I was right too. This cereal was very filling! It definitely kept me sated till lunch. I eat breakfast around 7:30am and eat lunch at noon and I usually wanting at least a snack of some sort around 11am on my usual breakfast routine.
Reading the nutrition info I was pleasantly surprised to see that it had 1 cup serving size. This is a huge serving of a very filling cereal! Then I noticed that beside the 1 cup was 55g in parentheses so I decided to weigh out my cereal. It ended up being quite a bit less than 1 cup but still a very filling amount. If your counting calories, like I am, I would always recommend WEIGHING your food. I would have been consuming quite a few more calories if I had just used my measuring cup!
The cranberry almond cereal is also uber sweet. There were very
little cranberries or almonds in my box and my box of cereal had large
clumps that were impossible to break up. This cereal would taste so
much better if it wasn't so hard and so sweet. I will never buy this
particular flavor of this cereal even with a very good cents off coupon!
Of both cereal flavors Maple Brown Sugar was the best. I really hate maple flavored things so I was surprised to find out that I liked this one better but that was because it has no maple flavor what so ever! When you open the box the maple smell is sickeningly overwhelming but pour it in a bowl and splash some milk over it and the smell dissipates and your left with sugary crunchy goodness. It's not overly sweet but also not that flavorful which is fine by me because I have a heard time stomaching any food for breakfast sometimes. This cereal is filling and stays crunchy in milk so I might purchase another box when I finish this one but probably not.
I guess my final review boils down to: this cereal is just okay. It is super filling but the flavor and texture are disappointing. I would find no enjoyment eating this cereal every morning. If I wasn't the only one who eats cereal in the morning in my household and I could get through a box fast I probably wouldn't mind so much. I do recommend buying a box and trying it out for yourself though because it's not that bad. I really like some of the other Fiber One cereals better but this one is just so filling not to ignore.
I did receive a few $1.00 off coupons. If anyone is interested in trying out this cereal too just let me know here or on my facebook page!